energystore & Ocean Bottle


We recently teamed up with Ocean Bottle to provide our team with personalised reusable bottles. Like many people, our team carry reusable water bottles so we wanted to provide them with one that could actually do some good. 22 million kgs of plastic enters our ocean each day. By 2030 ocean plastic is expected to double. And the rate is accelerating. Ocean Bottle uses proceeds from their sales to help clean up our oceans. Each bottle supports local collectors in coastal communities who gather plastic from the ocean and can use it for things they need.

Our team water bottles has funded the collection of 1094kg of ocean bound plastic and prevented it from ever entering our ocean. That’s the equivalent to 100,000 Single Use Bottles in weight.

We are also a member of Operation Clean Sweep, a pledge from the British Plastic Federation which commits us to ensuring none of our manufacturing process ends up in our oceans. The environment is one of our core values and ensuing our operations are sustainable for the planet is one of our main drivers. This applies to our manufacturing process and the benefits that come from our products to the end user wherever our insulation is installed.

Part Two Design